
Friday, March 23

Romantic Ideas to Surprise Your Husband With ♥

Someone once said that men and women enter marriage thinking two different things. He is thinking, "God, I hope she never changes!" She is thinking, "With your help God, I can change him!" It's humorous but I speculate that this may be true. Romance is a funny thing for the married crowd. The warm rosy feeling of romance that so envelopes us during dating fades to black when life occurs. The bills, the kids, the jobs, the in laws and the list goes on. All these opposing forces form a deadly alliance that steals romance from our lives and leaves us, just, well, married. Romance is the soup that love, sex and intimacy brew from. Are you ready to jump in the pot? Use these romantic ideas to surprise your husband with, only don't hold us responsible if they work.
Yes, this article is written with the ladies in mind, never fear gentlemen, we've got one for you too! Just look for Romantic Ideas to Surprise Your Wife With !

1) Fragrance is a powerful ally in building romance. Remember smelling his cologne for the first time? Ooh lala! Chances are he's not using that original cologne anymore. Look for it! Buy it and surprise your husband with it. Have him wear it for you on a special romantic night together.

2) Another fragrance suggestion is to shop for a new cologne. Go by yourself to the cologne counter at one of your local department stores. Smell until you find one that hits the right note. Ask your husband to wear it for you in private!

3) Surprise your husband by climbing in the shower with him. Bring a scrubee and a sexy smelling body wash. Wear waterproof make up just in case. That's romantic!

4) Dedicate a song to your husband on his favorite radio station. Make sure he is listening. You could enlist the help of one of his co workers to covertly help you keep him at his desk and in radio listening range. Definitely a romantic idea!

5) Treat your husband to a massage by a professional. Find a local masseur and pre pay for his session. Send him out the door with directions. Tell him you will be waiting for him when he comes back.

6) Buy HIM something sexy to wear! Don't just think black silk pajamas. You could buy something more. It would probably excite both of you! Totally romantic!

7) Make a love trail! Trail rose petals or Hershey's kisses to from the door to the bedroom. If you can't be there when he gets home, leave a note telling him to save a kiss for you! (You may want to use rose petals if you have pets. Chocolate and pets do not go together!

8) Buy satin sheets and scent them with your perfume. Or his cologne!

9) Develop a code word for sex that you use when you are with a group. Make sure you use it. And often. Romantic!

10) Try that restaurant that's about an hour way. Plan the trip around sunset and stop to enjoy the sky change together. Turn off the cell phones. Listen to a CD of your favorite songs from your dating era. Your husband will love this romantic idea.

11) Buy yourself something sexy to wear and model it for him. That's always the perfect gift!

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